Magicube Flash

Socket Mount

A MagiCube, also known as "Magicube" is a flashbulb system used by the Instamatic range of Kodak cameras. The system consisted of a single-use flash bulb mounted at each face of the cube. After exposure, the film-advance thumbwheel mechanism rotated the cube to the next face. This system allowed the photographer to take four flash photographs before requiring changing the cube. Each bulb was a self-contained system capable of igniting zirconium foil without requiring an external power source. A plastic rod in the cube mount usually triggered the bulb to ignite it.



The socket shape forms an "X" and the centre pin is square. Consequently, the name "X-Cube" became synonymous with Magicube. There are no electrical contacts in this system. The flash ignites through a mechanical firing pin timed by the shutter.

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Kodak 277X
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Fixed Focus Lens
Kodak 277X Magicube Flash
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